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On Wednesday I posted my first 4 items on etsy.  I have now realised I need to amend the posting for international as it is too high.  Hoping more people with click on it and maybe with a bit of luck someone will buy.

Time to go...little one is crying...

Knitaboo...the journey

Well, here we go.  Knitaboo, what can I say.  A very brave adventure for me and a very scary one.  I am so grateful for the support of my husband, Rachel and Lauren for assisting when assistance is needed.  Without them this won't be possible.

Enough with the soppy side of things now back to the process of writing out the product descriptions and working out the costing of each pair of booties.  Also trying to finish the bespoke item for my friend Debbie.  Hope I get this done before her little one appears!