Well, I decided that I needed to do something special for my daughter so the idea came to me to make her a lovely blanket for the winter. I still remember the blankets my mother made me and the fun I used to have with them. They used to be tents, a house and just something warm and comforting. I currently don't have them as my sister has staked her claim to it.
I am using acrylic wool and surprise surprise the Styelcraft wool I am using is much softer than expected. It is gentle on my fingers, not like the ones I have from 3 years ago! Acrylic has definitely come along way. If this project turns out a success I might just do some for the Knitaboo Shop (I already have the wool for a boys ripple blanket!)
What do you think of the colour scheme? I will update next week on how far along I am...this is going to take a while, isn't it?