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Some early Christmas shopping

This morning thanks with the help of my father in law the whole family got in the car and went to Ikea for breakfast.  Although my daughter's breakfast consisted of a cupcake (bad mommy!)  We bought a few bits for my daughters present and one half of it as well as some new Christmas Tree decorations.  After 3 tough years for our old Christmas decorations it is time to say good bye (we had them for 6 in total)

I am so excited about starting the decoration process tomorrow!
Something yummy to start the day


For mommy and daddy before the shop

A much needed cup of caffeine 

That hint of glass and big baubles are for the table decoration

Pink wrapping and tissue paper of course!

Looking for the ickle pickles present

Someone not so happy to be going home

Now just to keep my excitement in check!!

Blanket Progress

The blanket is growing and yes it is tough to stay focused...these photos are from last week Sunday.  We had a lovely day out in the park too with the awesome Hillhouse Family (check out her Christmas Themed photos at

What do you think of the progress?

Think she approves?

After the fun some yummy sweet potato mash and beef sausages

Oh and don't forget the Princess Tea Party!

A different kinda Knitaboo

Well, I decided that I needed to do something special for my daughter so the idea came to me to make her a lovely blanket for the winter.  I still remember the blankets my mother made me and the fun I used to have with them.  They used to be tents, a house and just something warm and comforting.  I currently don't have them as my sister has staked her claim to it.

I am using acrylic wool and surprise surprise the Styelcraft wool I am using is much softer than expected.  It is gentle on my fingers, not like the ones I have from 3 years ago!  Acrylic has definitely come along way.  If this project turns out a success I might just do some for the Knitaboo Shop (I already have the wool for a boys ripple blanket!)

What do you think of the colour scheme?  I will update next week on how far along I am...this is going to take a while, isn't it?