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Small steps….

To all my wonderful blog readers,

I just wanted to say my sincerest apologies for not writing a blog post in such a long while.  I have probably now lost some readers along the way but I have been very ill on and off since November (it all started in August) and had the pleasure of spending 13 days in hospital over Christmas (left with a new found respect for the NHS nursers and doctors - they are awesome!)

I have been going in and out ever since and should hopefully on the mend soon.  Also we have moved so life has been a tad crazy. I can't even remember the last time I picked up a knitting needle or crochet hook.

Fingers crossed that I can get back on track and rekindle your love for my blog and find some new readers!

2015 is going to be the year of new and greater things not just for me but for all of us!

Thank you wonderful readers for reading this and your everlasting patience!

Best Wishes
Knitaboo xx

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