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Merry Christmas...Love Knitaboo


Getting ready for Christmas

Recently we decided to make our own Christmas was easy although not finished yet!  Water balloons, PVA Glue and all our morning newspapers (early morning train journey to work good for something!)

The Princess and the Pumpkin...

A Knitaboo Treat...

Rainy days and the Hummingbird Bakery Recipe Book

A while ago myself and my daughter's godmother got the Hummingbird Bakery Recipe book and decided to make some cupcakes with my daughter.  I'm not a baker, my husband get's worried when I decide to hit the kitchen but with the assistance of my awesome friend we were able to make these amazing Hot Chocolate Cupcakes!  My daughter loved it and was excited when she could start using her sprinkles to decorate.  There was a lot of sugar highs that day!

Summer's End

After all the chaos that the Olympics brought to our lives in August we were blessed with a complimentary stay at my husband's work.  We were upgraded to one of Crowne Plaza Dockland's Suites which gave us fantastic views over the Victoria Docks and the Emirates Airline Cable Car (which I didn't lucky have to do again, although my husband and daughter did it twice!).  It was a fantastic finish to the summer and we had so much fun!

Good bye Summer!

Amazing Summer days

Yes, finally the weather turned and we had some amazing weather.  I must say the weather did play along during the Olympics and about 2 weeks ago we were able to spend a lovely day in Grove Park in Carshalton.  Icy water did not stop us and neither did stinging nettles.

Sock Monkey!


Pixie Hat!


Monster Munch!


Crowning Glory


Getting into the Olympic Spirit

Knitaboo has gotten into the spirit of things with these cute little crowns and the awesome creativity of Lauren Hillhouse Photography

A proud mommy moment...

Ok I know it is Wednesday but I finally have found the time and a USB connector for  my (sorry!), our new camera.  It was a bit of drama taking it out with us on the Sunday on our BIG day out and took some convincing of the Husband that it will be fine....

We had a great train journey into London with the Ickle Pickle being on her best behaviour (shhhh...let's not jinx it!), we then popped into John Lewis on Oxford street for a quick breakfast and then went to Things British to do a shelf re-shuffle.

Then my biggest challenge of the day arrived.  I had to do the cable car!  I got on it but kept my eyes closed for 95% of the journey plus squeezing my husband's hand so there was no blood flow.  Obviously my daughter loved it, cried when we got off but then soon got over it as we arrived at my husband's work.

And this is what happened....

Excitement is building


My excitement has been building all week and this will be classed as the longest wait till pay day ever!  Last weekend we were slightly sad as we sold our car, it was my first car and us as a husband and wife's biggest purchase together.  So after long discussions and deciding what to do with the money we decided to put it towards something tangible and thanks to my friend Lauren (the awesome photographer over at Lauren Hillhouse Photography) she helped us search for the perfect camera to hopefully in a just a few hours (ok more like 10am tomorrow!) we should hopefully be picking up this wonderful treat!

I hope Lauren knows that she will have to teach me how to use this!


I am currently working on my stripe hat collection - this is next to my spot addiction Cath Kidston Style.  What do you think?

Inspiration Tiffany's style


Rose booties....


My to do list this weekend...

Ok so weekend is finally here (yeah!) but oh no it is going to be so short again.  Days like these I wish I was a stay at home mom and not a mom that has to juggle so many things.  If all goes well this weekend I should have hopefully completed the following:

  1. Stitched up all outstanding items
  2. Finished the bow tie
  3. Crocheted a monster hat
  4. Made LJ a party dress
  5. Craft time with LJ
  6. 2 More Crowns
Remind many days in a weekend??

Crazy Week

What a crazy week it has been!  I don't feel like my feet has touched the ground at all.  I was so looking forward to the weekend as I have a custom order to complete for a little man called Sid.  He is going to his Granma's 60th Birthday and needs to look his best.  So mum got in touch and ordered a Knitted Striped Bow tie.  I was due to start this today but unfortunately have been bogged down with a cold.  Not instead of knitting I worked a bit on my blog.  Changed the font sizes, lettering and so forth.  Still not perfect so this I will label as "work in progress"  Let me know what you think?

Also in this post I wanted to do a shout out to my wonderful friend from Lauren Hillhouse Photography.  She has reached 5000 hits on her blog this week.  Isn't that just awesome?  She is so amazingly talented.  She does my product shoots as well as records all the beautiful memories of my daughter.  Get in touch with her as she is amazing with babies, kids and moms-to-be!  She will provide you with a dream photo shoot!

One for the boys


Belated Jubilee


These are my new additions to my shop...what do you think?



New Booties!


Competition Time!

Do you fancy a Bunny 21 of your own? For every purchase made between now and the end of May your name will be entered into a draw for a chance of winning a Bunny 21 of your colour choice beautifully presented in a Knitaboo suitcase!

This is my first competition so I am really excited!  Good luck and here are some photos to remind you of how Bunny 21 looks like.  How cute are they!

Jippee It is Friday!

This morning while watching the news (yes at 5.49 in the morning!) while drinking coffee and getting ready for work I realised that I haven't blogged in a while.  Well, let's see the sun is out (let's hope it stays that way) and it is Friday!  What more can I say about today?? Oh yeah, it is dress down Friday and I hope to finish my owl tonight once LJ has gone to bed.....

New Items...


Simple Idea with great rewards

On Friday as I was travelling into work I was sitting on the train and making a few negative comments.  My husband was not impressed with me and he turned the comment around into something positive.  I then realised that I am not always the most positive person around so when I got to work while waiting for my 60 emails to be downloaded so I could start working I looked at Jools' shop, I decided to buy this beautiful bunting and between my husband and me we will leave positive comments and inspiring messages for each other in the pockets.   We thought this would be a wonderful way to start and end the day.  To keep the inspiration going and make sure we plant positive seeds in my daughter's life we will be leaving her messages too.  I am so excited to be starting this and can't wait for my delivery!!

Busy busy weekend....

This weekend is going to fly by and then Monday will be here again.  So much to do and so little time....Today I need to work like crazy as I need to get some new products into my Etsy Shop, my Foksy shop and then items for the Craft Market and my shelf at Things British...currently finishing off a hat and a pink and white version of Bunny 21 as well as finish off my the 2nd blanket I have ever made...

Here is to 6 wonderful years!


Wool stash


My current collection that I am working through....

Our first Craft Market

On Sunday I had the pleasure of doing my first craft market with PrettyCraftee.  It was awesome and something we are doing again this Sunday....Our table looked amazing I think but I am sure we can do something to make it even more amazing!  Feedback appreciated!